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Theory: LoR's Ophelia is going to be released in League?

Theory: LoR's Ophelia is going to be released in League?

Tony Lucas

Check out everything we know about the new Noxian champion that is coming to League and their odds o...

theories LoL LoR

Quiz : Quel personnage d'Arcane es-tu ?

Quiz : Quel personnage d'Arcane es-tu ?


Répondez à ce quiz rapide et amusant pour savoir quel personnage Arcane et vous avez le plus en comm...

quizz arcane lol riot netflix

Quizz: Which Arcane Character are you?

Quizz: Which Arcane Character are you?


Take this fast and fun quiz to know which Arcane character and you have the most in common.

quizz arcane lol riot netflix
